MS Technology

Overview of MS Technology Viewing, processing and annotating documents & images on web browser can be an easy task with Flash Viewer. It is a pure web based document viewer, requiring no software installation and downloads, or plug-ins on the client system such as Adobe Acrobat or MS Office besides flash player. Render high quality documents and image files that are easily readable by the users exactly the way they were authored right in the browser.

A light weight flash viewer can be integrated with any Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system. Allows viewing and editing of documents and image files on any web browser in a simple and intuitive way and also supports annotations tools including line, redactions, stamps, sticky notes, arrow, pen, rectangle, etc. Able to display numerous documents and images including MS Office (doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx), PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, IBM compatible formats ( MO:DCA, PTOCA, IOCA), and many more and is compatible with all the browsers that supports flash.

File Formats

Supports viewing vast number of file formats - documents and images. Following are the most common supported file formats:

    Annotate Files

    Includes annotation tools that allow to review, collaborate, annotate documents right in the viewer. Within a single user interface, one can freely write their comments on the document and share with others, and thus reducing decision-making process, and increase collaboration among users. Provides facility to add comments via sticky notes, apply digital stamps and much more thus making viewer an ideal solution for a business workflow. Allows user to save, copy, paste and print annotations and contents and also to view, markup and annotate documents all at the same time and in one place. Add text, freehand, sticky notes, images, rubber stamps, etc. to TIFF, PDF, JPG, and many more file formats.

    Annotation MS Technology

    Redact PDF Files

    Empower user to hide sensitive and confidential information from documents and images. Through an intuitive visual interface, users can easily hide document’s sensitive information such as Social Security Numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and much more using viewer’s redaction feature.

    Redacted documents can be published in any formats including PDF, TIFF, and any other image format. In the published file, the redacted content is permanently removed and cannot search and copied.

    Redact all the supported file formats by the viewer including: MS Office files, PDF, TIFF, and many more.

    Annotation MS Technology

    Horizontal Page Scrolling View

    There are many ways to navigate pages of the multi-page document. Many use scroll bar, arrow keys, buttons available on the navigation bar to move back and forth through a multi-page document. A navigational feature – Horizontal View, is provided that helps to navigate through the top, bottom and middle portions of the page. Provide options to view pages from left to right of the document.

    Horizontal Page Scrolling View

    Customizable GUI

    User Interface of the viewer can be customized as per the requirements. The graphical user interface can be controlled /configured and later can be further customized for ease-of-use through user preferences. Enable/disable user-functions and customize Thumbnail and TreeViews. Can also add custom ribbon tab / buttons using exposed interfaces and APIs.

    Exposed APIs

    Provides programmable APIs to launch viewer; load/unload documents; control and navigate between documents and pages; cut, copy and paste pages of documents; export documents; split documents vertically/horizontally for comparison. More...

    Exposed APIs