array< String^ >^ | GetTOC () |
void | Redact (RedactionMacro redact, int FromPageNo, int ToPageNo) |
bool | AddWatermark (int FromPageNo, int ToPageNo, String^ WatermarkText, System::Drawing::Font^ font, int RotationAngle, int opacity) |
bool | Find (System::String^ Text, Dictionary< int, List< System::Drawing::Rectangle >^>^searchRects, bool MatchCase, bool IsWholeWord) |
| It is used find text in document. More...
void | RedactText (Dictionary< int, List< System::Drawing::Rectangle >^>^rects, array< int >^PageNos, Color clr) |
void | RedactArea (System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int PageNos, Color clr) |
void | AddWaterMark (String^ WatermarkText, String^ FontName, int FontHeight, int RotationAngle, Alignment alignment, System::Drawing::Color clr) |
void | AdvancedTextSearch (Dictionary< int, List< System::Drawing::Rectangle >^>^rects, String^ strName, bool keepPrefix, bool RevealLastDigits, int CategoryIndex) |
virtual | ~FileFormat () |
| It is dispose.
Page^ | GetPage (int PageNum) |
| It is used to get specified page from document. More...
Page^ | GetPage (int PageNum, PAGEINFO% pageInfo) |
array< Page^ >^ | GetPages (int From, int To) |
| It is used to get multiple pages from document. More...
bool | Export (System::String^ fileName, OutputFileTypes fileType) |
| It is used to export document. More...
bool | Export (System::String^ fileName, OutputFileTypes fileType, SAVEOPTION Option) |
static FileFormat^ | FromFile (String^ fileName) |
| It is a static function which load file using its path. More...
static FileFormat^ | FromStream (Stream^ fileStream) |
| It is a static function which load file using stream of file. More...
static FileFormat^ | FromUri (Uri^ fileUri) |
| It is a static function which load file from remote loaction. More...
static bool | Merge (array< FileFormat^ >^docs, System::String^ filename, OutputFileTypes fileType) |
| It is a static function which merge two or more document into one document. More...
static bool | Merge (Dictionary< FileFormat^ , int >^docMap, System::String^ filename, OutputFileTypes fileType) |
| It is a static function which merge multipages document's specified pages into one document. More...
PlugInConnectorLib::ImageFactoryClass^ | factory =gcnew PlugInConnectorLib::ImageFactoryClass() |
int | m_Handle |
int | m_PageCount |
FileTypes | m_FileType |
bool | IsDocument [get] |
| Use to check either it is a document or image .
String^ | RedactTextXML [get] |
bool | IsDocument [get] |
| Use to check either it is a document or image .
FileTypes | FileType [get] |
| Use to get documents type.
int | PageCount [get] |
| Use to get total number of pages in document.
int | Handle [get] |
| Use to get handle of document.