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MST::Imaging::Document Class Reference

#include <Document.h>

Inheritance diagram for MST::Imaging::Document:
MST::Imaging::FileFormat MST::Imaging::Pdf

Public Member Functions

bool Find (System::String^ Text, Dictionary< int, List< System::Drawing::Rectangle >^>^searchRects, bool MatchCase, bool IsWholeWord)
 It is used find text in document. More...
void RedactText (Dictionary< int, List< System::Drawing::Rectangle >^>^rects, array< int >^PageNos, Color clr)
void RedactArea (System::Drawing::Rectangle rect, int PageNos, Color clr)
void AddWaterMark (String^ WatermarkText, String^ FontName, int FontHeight, int RotationAngle, Alignment alignment, System::Drawing::Color clr)
void AdvancedTextSearch (Dictionary< int, List< System::Drawing::Rectangle >^>^rects, String^ strName, bool keepPrefix, bool RevealLastDigits, int CategoryIndex)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MST::Imaging::FileFormat
virtual ~FileFormat ()
 It is dispose.
PageGetPage (int PageNum)
 It is used to get specified page from document. More...
PageGetPage (int PageNum, PAGEINFO% pageInfo)
array< Page^ >^ GetPages (int From, int To)
 It is used to get multiple pages from document. More...
bool Export (System::String^ fileName, OutputFileTypes fileType)
 It is used to export document. More...
bool Export (System::String^ fileName, OutputFileTypes fileType, SAVEOPTION Option)


bool IsDocument [get]
 Use to check either it is a document or image .
String^  RedactTextXML [get]
- Properties inherited from MST::Imaging::FileFormat
bool IsDocument [get]
 Use to check either it is a document or image .
FileTypes FileType [get]
 Use to get documents type.
int PageCount [get]
 Use to get total number of pages in document.
int Handle [get]
 Use to get handle of document.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MST::Imaging::FileFormat
static FileFormatFromFile (String^ fileName)
 It is a static function which load file using its path. More...
static FileFormatFromStream (Stream^ fileStream)
 It is a static function which load file using stream of file. More...
static FileFormatFromUri (Uri^ fileUri)
 It is a static function which load file from remote loaction. More...
static bool Merge (array< FileFormat^ >^docs, System::String^ filename, OutputFileTypes fileType)
 It is a static function which merge two or more document into one document. More...
static bool Merge (Dictionary< FileFormat^ , int >^docMap, System::String^ filename, OutputFileTypes fileType)
 It is a static function which merge multipages document's specified pages into one document. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from MST::Imaging::FileFormat
factory =gcnew PlugInConnectorLib::ImageFactoryClass()
- Protected Attributes inherited from MST::Imaging::FileFormat
int m_Handle
int m_PageCount
FileTypes m_FileType

Detailed Description

This class is derived from FileFormat and use to find text from document.

Member Function Documentation

bool MST::Imaging::Document::Find ( System::String^  Text,
Dictionary< int, List< System::Drawing::Rectangle >^>^  searchRects,
bool  MatchCase,
bool  IsWholeWord 

It is used find text in document.

Textstring to find.
searchRectsContains searched string rectangles with page number.
MatchCaseif false,ignoring letter case else Vice versa.
IsWholeWordUsed to search whole word.
return True if successfull else false.

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