| PolyLine (Pen^ pen, MSTAnnotationPage^ page) |
| Constructor of a class. More...
virtual void | Draw (Graphics^ g, array< PointF >^ptArr, bool bShowSelection) override |
| Used to draw annotations. More...
virtual void | Draw (GraphicsPath^ gp, array< PointF >^ptArr) override |
virtual void | Load (XmlElement^ element) override |
| use to load annotation from XML. More...
virtual void | Save (XmlDocument^ writer, XmlElement^ element) override |
| use to save annotation in XML. More...
| MultiPointAnnotation (Pen^ pen, MSTAnnotationPage^ page) |
| Constructor of a class. More...
virtual bool | HitTest (PointF pt) override |
| It is overrided function and use to check point lies in annotation or not. More...
void | addPoint (PointF pt) |
| use to add new point to annotation. More...
| MSTAnnotation (Pen^ pen, MSTAnnotationPage^ page) |
| Constructor of a class. More...
void | DrawPoints (Graphics^ g) |
| Draw Selection points of annotation. More...
array< PointF >^ | GetNormalPoints () |
| Gives points array of annotation without any operation such as without rotation,zooming,flip etc. More...
void | FlipGraphicsPath (GraphicsPath^ gp, float Width, float Height, bool bHorz, bool bVert) |
| Flips annotation's graphics path. More...
void | DrawString (Graphics^ g, String^ text, Point location) |
| Draw String. More...
void | DrawScale (GraphicsPath^ g, PointF pt1, PointF pt2, float distance) |
virtual void | Move (int cx, int cy) |
| Use to move annotation. More...
virtual bool | IntersectsRect (System::Drawing::Rectangle rect) |
| use to check annotation lies in rectangle or not. More...
virtual void | ApplyMatrix (Matrix^ matrix) |
| use to apply matrix on graphicsPath. More...
virtual Int16 | GetPointIndex (PointF pt) |
| use to get index of point. More...
void | Burn (Graphics^ g) |
Type | AnnotationType [get] |
| Get type of annotation.
Color | FillColor [get, set] |
| Get or Set annotation's FillColor color.
bool | Closed [get, set] |
| Get or Set closed property of annotation which is used to closed the multipoint annotation.
Type | AnnotationType [get] |
| Get type of annotation.
Color | BorderColor [get, set] |
| Get or Set annotation's border color.
Int32 | BorderWidth [get, set] |
| Get or Set annotation's border width.
bool | Selected [get, set] |
| Get or Set annotation's selection.
array< PointF >^ | Points [get] |
| Get Points of annotation. More...
PointF | Points[Int16] [get, set] |
System::Drawing::Drawing2D::GraphicsPath^ | graphicsPath [get] |
| Get annotation's graphicsPath.
array< RectangleF >^ | PointRect [get] |
| Get rectangles arround points.
Int16 | PointsCount [get] |
| Get total number of annotation's points.
This is a PolyLine annotation class which is derived from multipoint annotation.